Horizontal Reel Effect Capcut Template

Horizontal Reel Effect Capcut Template Link 2025 | New Capcut Template

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If you are looking for Horizontal Reel Effect Capcut Template, then you have come to the right place. Friends, at this time, videos with Horizontal Reel Effect are becoming very viral. Big creators are using this effect in their videos, and they are getting millions of likes and views. The best thing about this is that after adding this effect to your video, the video looks amazing to watch. If you also want to make any of your boring videos interesting and attractive, then friends, you can try this effect. In today’s amazing article, I am going to give you Horizontal Reel Capcut template. By using this, you will be able to add this effect to your video very easily. If you want, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel, where I teach how to edit videos. The name of our YouTube channel is Edit by Anup Sagar.

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Horizontal Reel Effect Capcut Template Link | Horizontal Reel Capcut Template

Friends, we are going to make our video using the CapCut template. First of all, I will tell you about this effect. If you edit your video using this CapCut template, then a horizontal mirror-type effect will be added to your video. If you remember, in the previous article, I gave you the 3D screens effect CapCut template. Just like in that template, our video plays in the mirror, in the same way, using this template, our video plays in small mirrors. First, our video gets blurred, and after that, it plays in small mirrors. Those mirrors move to the top side, and then they zoom together to the frame of our video. Some such effect is visible in our video. Due to this, our normal and boring video starts looking attractive. So now, let me teach you to make a video using this CapCut template.

Horizontal Reel Effect Capcut Template Link
Horizontal Reel Effect Capcut Template Link

   Use this template

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How To Edit with Horizontal Reel Effect Capcut Template?

Friends, if you also want to edit your video using the Horizontal Reel CapCut template, then now I am going to tell you step by step. You do not have to miss a single step here. Follow the steps exactly as I will tell you.

  1. First of all click on the Use This Template button given above.
  2. This template will be automatically redirected to the capcut app.
  3. If any issue arises due to unstable network then clear data and clear cache of capcut.
  4. Then select your video clips and click on the next option.
  5. Wait till the effect is added to the video and when the video is ready, save it by clicking on the export option.

Horizontal Reel Effect In Capcut

Friends, if you want to add this horizontal reel effect to your video according to your wish — that means if you want to show this effect on any other part of your video — then for that, you will have to add this horizontal effect to your video yourself. First of all, you have to add your video in the CapCut app. After that, you have to click on the Effect option and then click on the Video Effectoption. Now, friends, you will get to see many effects in front of you, and here you have to click on the Trading area. In the trading area, you get to see all those effects which are being used the most at that time. There you will find an effect named Horizontal Reel.

You have to click on that effect, then click on the *Right* option and adjust the layer of that effect according to you. Wherever you want to show that effect, you have to bring this effect layer to that place. In this way, you can very easily add the horizontal reel effect manually to your video.

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In this way, you can very easily add Horizontal Reel effect to any of your videos. Friends, if you like our way of explaining and you have understood our article well, then definitely tell us by commenting. We have given many more trending CapCut templates on this website, which you can see by visiting our CapCut Template category.

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